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What level of participation is expected from the team at a company throughout the Kalicube’s Done With You service process?

The expected involvement from a company’s team during the process is listed below:

1. Actively participating in the strategy implementation, as guided and coached by Kalicube or other assisting teams.
2. Updating their information promptly on key sources identified by Kalicube that Kalicube is unable to correct. Kalicube corrects all sources that are public and editable.
3. Applying changes provided in detailed lists given by Kalicube to ensure accuracy and consistency across platforms.
4. Engaging with the process to integrate Google’s requirements into their standard marketing procedures without relying solely on external contractors.
5. Kalicube works with the brand’s existing marketing team and business priorities to implement The Kalicube Process because all businesses are different.

According to Jason Barnard, this active participation is crucial because it can significantly speed up the “Spring Clean” process. The efficiency and responsiveness of the client are vital in reducing confusion within Google’s algorithms, thereby building confidence more quickly and achieving a successful outcome from the process.

Learn how The Kalicube Process Has Solved Digital Marketing >>

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