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How does Kalicube’s approach differ from Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR’s Holistic SEO guide?

Kalicube’s approach differs from Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR’s Holistic SEO guide in how each framework seeks to establish authority in a niche. Kalicube focuses explicitly on building up Google’s understanding and confidence in an entity—enhancing how entities are represented in the Knowledge Graph and across the digital ecosystem. Koray’s framework uses semantics and topical authority to achieve brand dominance. Kalicube complements Koray’s emphasis on topical authority by ensuring that the entity writing the content is written semantically and optimized for NLP.

Kalicube’s approach to obtaining digital marketing differs from standard SEO practices because it is more akin to PR packaged for Google. This method emphasizes relevancy and controlled references.

The Kalicube Process involves auditing and cleaning up the brand’s digital ecosystem, owning the Brand SERP beginning with your niche, and building out little by little. It leverages Google’s interface to provide content directly to users through features like Knowledge Panels and rich snippets. The goal is for users to get the information they need directly from Google search results without necessarily visiting the website hosting the content.

The Kalicube Process for Optimizing a Brand SERP encourages creating content that helps your audience solve important problems and publishing this content on platforms where your audience naturally gathers. It advises against relying solely on instinct or gut feeling. Kalicube Pro knows where the competition is focused, and Google expects equivalent brands to be in the same places.

For content creators, Kalicube provides a holistic strategy that combines branding and multi-channel marketing with traditional SEO/content methods focused on three pillars: understanding, credibility, and deliverability. Background research is essential before implementing this 3-step process as it allows personalization of strategy based on Google’s current knowledge of a brand within its industry.

Learn how The Kalicube Process Has Solved Digital Marketing >>

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