SERP Features (Rich Elements): What You Need To Know

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What are SERP Features (Rich Elements) on a Google SERP?

Since its launch (in 1998), every time you use Google to search for something, such as your favourite artist or a shoe brand, it shows a SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) containing blue links to websites that answer your question. Over the last decade or so, alongside those traditional blue links it has added other types of (rich) content: videos, images, recipe cards, maps, Twitter posts… Anything that is not a simple Bluelink with title and description snippet is called a Rich Element (often called SERP Features or Universal Results). 

Rich Elements are enriched, often multimedia elements on the SERP. Examples of Rich Elements SERP Features are Rich Sitelinks, Video Boxes, Twitter Boxes, Image Boxes and Featured Snippets. These are more enticing for users, offer more information and take up more space than the basic organic Bluelink search results. So they really need to be a focus for any company or brand that is using SEO as a digital marketing strategy.

How are Rich Elements Different from SERP Features?

There is no simple distinction between Rich Elements and SERP Features, as both are very similar concepts. The terms can mostly be used interchangeably, especially since Google has not defined an official term that is commonly used by both users and experts.

Most people in the SEO industry use the term SERP Features. At Kalicube we prefer the term Rich Element since this term focuses on the item itself and clearly states that the element is rich (we could also say enhanced). 

Why Do We Prefer the Term Rich Element Over SERP Feature at Kalicube?

In the context of Brand SERPs, (the search result your audience sees when they google your brand name), the slightly broader definition of Rich Element and the emphasis the term implies give us the opportunity to focus more on what truly matters to any brand: the control over SERP real estate, the visual representation of the brand and the brand message that “Google Business Card” projects to its audience.

Kalicube’s List of the Most Important Rich Elements for Brand SERPs

At Kalicube we focus on some Rich Elements more than others. That is because we specialise in Brand SERPs… you could call that search result your “Google Business Card”. Here is a list of the most important Rich Elements for Brand SERPs (by order of importance)

  1. Rich Sitelinks
  2. People Also Ask Boxes
  3. Sitelinks
  4. Knowledge Panel
  5. See Results About
  6. Twitter Boxes 
  7. Related Searches
  8. People Also Search For Text Box
  9. Video Boxes 
  10. YouTube Boxes
  11. Image Boxes 
  12. Top Stories
  13. Podcast Boxes
  14. Latest From Boxes
  15. Product Boxes
  16. Article Boxes
  17. Event Boxes
  18. Knowledge Cards
  19. Featured Snippets

How Do Rich Elements Fit into Brand SERP Optimisation?

For you as a brand owner, your Brand SERP is critical because it is the web page that may very well determine whether users want to do business with you or continue to do business with you. For a Brand SERP to be compelling, it needs Rich Elements.

The example below shows a Brand SERP for a person, Jason Barnard. In his Brand SERP, you’ll see multiple Rich Elements such as a Knowledge Panel, a Video Box, an Article Box, See Results About and more…

Brand SERP of Jason Barnard
Example of a Brand SERP for a person with multiple Rich Elements

In this Brand SERP for a company (Kalicube) you’ll see Rich Sitelinks, thumbnail images, review stars, Local Business Knowledge Panel, Twitter Boxes, YouTube Boxes, Video Boxes, Related Searches and more… 

Brand SERP of Kalicube
Example of a Brand SERP for a company with multiple Rich Elements

The Brand SERP for Kalicube and Jason Barnard demonstrate how much value Rich Elements add to a Brand SERP and the extent to which they allow a brand to dominate the Google SERP for their name. A beautiful and convincing Brand SERP like this gives an incredibly positive impression to your customers and prospects. You are in control and you are delivering your brand message in an accurate, positive, and compelling way.

At Kalicube, we place immense emphasis on ensuring that you get every enriched element you deserve on your Brand SERP (the search result your audience sees when they google your brand or company). We know that making the search result for your name optimal is an immense (often missed) opportunity for any individual or business owner. Rich Elements / SERP features will make your “Google Business Card” look incredibly  convincing and that means you’ll convert more prospects. … Since your Brand SERP is your “Google Business Card,” it is important to learn how it can represent you and your brand accurately and honestly.

Regardless of your audience size, location, or industry, you need to trigger Rich Elements in your Brand SERP, and that means you need to effectively and properly optimise your Brand SERP to make it look “charming” and “sexy” in the eyes of Google.

Kalicube Solutions

  1. You can learn more about Brand SERPs and how you can control yours and ensure that you keep your potential clients focused on an accurate and convincing depiction of you with The Fundamentals of Brand SERPs for Business by Jason Barnard;
  2. You can browse our free resources (hundreds of articles, case studies and how-to’s to help you optimise your Brand SERP and manage your Knowledge Panel;
  3. You can win a place right at the top of the SERP through Kalicube’s Brand SERP Optimisation Process or opt-for the done-with-you Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel solutions where we do the hard work, identify the solutions and ensure that you achieve your goals and get Google “dancing to your tune.”

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