Leveling Up Your Content Through Regular Updates (Gaurav Sharma and Jason Barnard)


The Vital Role of Content in Branded Search – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

In this short video clip with Jason Barnard, Gaurav Sharma explains how Leveling up Content can help with Branded Search. Gaurav highlights how the landscape of digital marketing has evolved from the keyword-driven strategies of the past to a future dominated by branding. To build a strong brand presence, Gaurav emphasises the importance of creating various content formats that go beyond just text, including videos, audio content and more. Watch the video right to the end.

  • 00:00 Jason asks questions
  • 00:30 Leveling up your content help Branded
  • 01:24 More Brandings mean more target audience

The Vital Role of Content in Branded Search – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

Jason Barnard: …absolutely brilliant. That was really interesting. And the last question is always the same.

In fact, it’s a choice of two questions. How does leveling up your content help with Branded Search? And you can answer that question. And the other one. How does Branded Search help with leveling up your content?

Answer one, either or both Gaurav.

Gaurav Sharma: Yeah, so I’ll answer the question one. Leveling up your content help Branded Search because “Future is Branding”, like this is the future, means 10 years back, it’s more like keyword focused always.

But if you see the future, it’s always be Branded. And for Branding you need to put a lot of content and different types of content, not just textual content. You need to come up with some video content in terms of audio content. You need to go into multi-medias. So if you put a lot of content searches, the search engines or even the like AI chat, chatbots which are coming up these days, they’re able to understand you better.

So that they can push you hard and get you on the page one. Somebody search on chatbot like “What’s Attrock?” They will pull the data from content because they need content to consume, chatbots as well, right?

So if you put a lot of content, different types of content, this will help your Branding go crazy and more Brandings mean more target audience, more qualified leads, more revenue, more growth.

Your happy, everyone happy. So, having good content is super important for the future.

Jason Barnard: Brilliant. Great content alongside a very solid, well understood and impressive brand…

“This Knowledge Nugget is taken from the Branded Search (and Beyond) Podcast with Jason Barnard.”

Official event page link: https://brandedsearchandbeyond.com/20…

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