The Anatomy of a Knowledge Panel (Knowledge Panel Template) – What You Need to Know

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What is a Knowledge Panel Template?

Simple Definition of a Knowledge Panel Template

There is no standard template for a Knowledge Panel, as this depends on the entity type and the industry to which the entity belongs. For example, the information typically included for a Person is very different to that for a Corporation, and the information for an American Footballer will be very different than that for an Author.

Templates for specific Entity types and industries are human-built by the Google staff. These are then used by the Knowledge Panel Algorithm as the basis for each individual Knowledge Panel. The algorithm adds the information it has in the relevant places in the template. 

The common denominators that potentially appear in all Knowledge Panels are:

What are the Different Elements in a Knowledge Panel?

  1. Photo/Logo
Photos/Logo of the Entity
  1. Title
Knowledge Panel Title (Entity Subtitle)
  1. Description
Knowledge Panel Description
  1. Attributes
Knowledge Panel Attributes Box
  1. Entity Statements
Entity Statements in a Knowledge Panel
  1. Social Channels
Social Channels/Profiles Box
  1. People Also Search For
People Also Search For Box

Can You Figure Out the Exact Anatomy of Each Knowledge Panel Template?

The exact templates are known only to Google. Additionally, since many entities are multifaceted, the algorithm will use parts of multiple templates to build an individual Knowledge Panel. For example, if a Person is both an Author and an American Footballer, the Knowledge Panel Algorithm might use both the author and American Footballer templates to build a hybrid Knowledge Panel for that Person. It might also choose to use only the template for the dominant facet and add Filter Pills to cater for the other facet(s).

At Kalicube we build meaningful templates for our clients using Entity Equivalents

Kalicube Pro’s ECG Insights shows a summary of how the Knowledge Panel of Entity Equivalents look like.

How Do Knowledge Panel Templates Fit Into Brand SERP Optimisation and Knowledge Panel Management?

It’s very important to know the anatomy of a Knowledge Panel for your geo-entity-industry combination since it allows you to know what your realistic targets are. An Entity Equivalent analysis that provides an accurate Knowledge Panel Template will clearly show how much you can optimise it, what attributes you can trigger, and how far you can really push Google to update. That means you can focus on what’s important.

An example: you were able to trigger a Knowledge Panel for your podcast and you want to develop it further. So you put all your resources and efforts into adding a description from your Entity Home, and add the launch date and number of episodes as attributes.

A template would save you a lot of wasted energy – thanks to our Knowledge Panel templating, at Kalicube we know Podcast Knowledge Panels show only descriptions from the official podcast feed, and only show  launch date and number of episodes as attributes for very famous podcasts.

We also know that you are able to add multiple companies/organisations founded to a Personal Knowledge Panel – in this case it is worth the effort to establish that relationship in Google’s eyes since we know it is likely to be added to the Knowledge Panel.

In Knowledge Panel Management, knowing where to focus your efforts is key. Knowledge Panel Templates are the solution to that tricky problem.

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