One-on-One Consultancy with Jason Barnard

Who Can Benefit From One-on-One Consultancy?

Anyone managing the online presence of a brand – person, large corporation, small company…
That’s you if you are a:

Online Reputation Manager
Public Relations Specialist
Digital Marketer
Brand Manager
Brand Owner
Modern SEO Expert

Why Choose One-on-One Consultancy?

These personalised sessions are the perfect in the following cases:

Help With a Specific Brand SERP or Knowledge Panel Issue

The free downloadable guides, our extensive knowledge base, and Jason’s book will cover the vast majority of your needs, but sometimes you’ll be faced with specific, unusual or difficult Brand SERP, Knowledge Panel or AI representation issues. That is the time to book a consultancy session with Jason. With more than a quarter of a century building and promoting and 10 years focussing on brand representation in AI (Brand SERPs, Knowledge Panels and AI output), he’s “seen it all”, and will be able to provide you with the solutions you need.

Jason Barnard working on an Apple MacBook Pro

What Do You Get in a One Hour With Jason?

In a single hour of one on one consultancy with Jason Barnard you’ll get the solution to your problem, and the steps you need to take to implement.

For brand marketing in search and AI, Jason is second to none. He is recognized as the world’s leading authority on Digital Brand Intelligence – Google say he knows more than anyone outside their company. He will deliver the most reliable, straightforward, and actionable solutions tailored to your needs.

Most clients find a single hour with Jason equips them with meaningful and impactful work to drive results for months—and chances are, one session is all you’ll need too! 😊

Choose your one-on-one consultancy

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us here, and we will send you a link to book a session at a time when it is convenient for you.

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of additional consultancy sessions, just ask.

We do not offer refunds on consultancy sessions