Finding a Google Knowledge Panel: What You Need to Know

Find my Google Knowledge Panel

In this article you will learn different techniques for finding a Knowledge Panel on Google. Importantly, sometimes a Knowledge Panel doesn’t trigger on a Brand SERP (the search result for the name of the person or company), so read to the end!

How Do I Find My Google Knowledge Panel?

Finding a Google Knowledge Panel Googling the Exact Name

The Knowledge Panel is the information box that appears on the right-hand side of Google search results pages on desktop. To find your Knowledge Panel, you can search your name if you are a person, or your company name if you are a business or corporation. In both cases, the Knowledge Panel might show up in the Google SERP.

If a Knowledge Panel doesn’t display when you google the exact name of the company, person, podcast, film product or other named entity, then that doesn’t necessarily mean that a Knowledge Panel doesn’t exist.

How to Find a Google Knowledge Panel by Searching For Variants Around the Name

There are cases when a Knowledge Panel exists but is not displayed by Google when you search for your name or the name of your business. So you can try searching “about (name)” or “what is (name)”. For example, “about Jason Barnard” or “what is Kalicube”. Or you can also try searching with more specific keywords or phrases, for example, in the case of a company, instead of “Kalicube” you can search “Kalicube LLC” or “Kalicube Incorporated”. Depending on the entity, you can search with the suffix of the company or with the middle name of a person or with the honorific name, suffixes or prefixes of a person.

How to Find a Google Knowledge Panel Using a Highly Relevant Geo Location

You can also find your Knowledge Panel through a Chrome extension called GS Location Changer. This is a plug-in that changes your location for Google search. You can mimic a geographic location where the entity is more relevant.

For example, if you search for a Knowledge Panel for Mark Preston, which is a very common name, the Knowledge Panel for “Mark Preston” may not show up if you search in London. However, if you change your geographical location to New York, USA, the search result for “Mark Preston” will show that a particular broadcaster named Mark Preston has a Knowledge Panel.

Find a Google Knowledge Panel Using a Highly Relevant Geo Location
Example of finding a Google Knowledge Panel using geolocation
Finding a Google Knowledge Panel using geolocation
Example of finding a Google Knowledge Panel using a highly relevant geolocation

How to Find a Google Knowledge Panel Using Attribute Listing

If none of the above techniques work, you can try finding the KNowledge Panel for a closely related entity that is more famous using the techniques above. In that Knowledge Panel, you may see an attribute that includes the entity you were initially looking for.

For example, if you search for “Véronique Barnard”, the attribute “Partner: Jason Barnard” appears, and if you click on that, you will see Jason Barnard’s Knowledge Panel.

Find a Google Knowledge Panel Using Attribute Listing
Example of finding a Google Knowledge Panel using attribute listing

How to Find the Knowledge Graph ID of a Google Knowledge Panel

If you want to find your Knowledge Graph ID (the unique identifier Google assigns to each Knowledge Panel), here is an article and a video that explain  how to find the Knowledge Graph ID manually – using Google Search, Google’s own NLP, or the Kalicube Pro SaaS platform.

How Does Finding a Knowledge Panel Fit Into Brand SERP Optimisation and Knowledge Panel Management?

This might seem obvious. But is it ?

Finding a Knowledge Panel that doesn’t trigger on a Brand SERP is a hugely valuable aspect of Knowledge Panel Management. If the entity already has a Knowledge Panel, but it just isn’t triggering on the Brand SERP, then:

  1. The techniques you would need to apply are not the same as building a Knowledge Panel from scratch; 
  2. Your timeline is generally shorter;
  3. You need to focus on the elements that will enrich the Knowledge Panel rather than those that will create it.

Knowledge Panel Management is hugely intricate and nuanced. Finding a Knowledge Panel is the first, small step in a long process to solidify, enrich, and maintain over time. Knowledge Panel Management is a job that never ends. 

Kalicube’s Free and Paid-For Knowledge Panel Services:

  1. Free Knowledge Panel Do-It-Yourself Checklist:
    Work through this the 17 step Kalicube Process and build, change or improve a Knowledge Panel;
  2. Knowledge Panel Course:
    5 hours of video lessons where you will learn how to build and optimise Knowledge Panels for any Entity;
  3. Done-for-you service:
    The expert Kalicube Team have built thousands of Knowledge Panels… let us take the strain and do this for you quickly, efficiently and reliably;
  4. Kalicube Pro for Agencies:
    Add Knowledge Panel Management to your portfolio of services using our proven proprietary technology.

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