Explanation of the Multiple Verticals in Google’s Knowledge Graph

Explanation of the Multiple Verticals in Google's Knowledge Graph

Advanced Expert Tips on Image SEO with Olesia Korobka 27 April 2021 at 17 H CEST (Paris)

Google has multiple Knowledge Graph Verticals. What does that mean? What are they? Why is this fundamentally important in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)? In this clip, Jason explains the different verticals Google’s Knowledge Graph contains and offers insights into how understanding those verticals can help with Entity Optimisation in SEO. Fascinating.

00:00 Several Verticals in the Knowledge Graph
00:38 Google and the main Knowledge Graph
01:42 Kalicube drives clients to the main Knowledge Graph
01:53 Getting the return on investments

Transcript from: Explanation of the Multiple Verticals in Google’s Knowledge Graph

So you’ve mentioned that there are several verticals in the Knowledge Graph. Can you expand on that?

Yeah! I think it’s somehow a new concept for people. They don’t know about Knowledge Graph so much, and now it appears that there are several Knowledge Graphs, actually. Yeah! Which is actually logical. If you look at Microsoft, I think there’s probably only one real Knowledge Graph but there are presumably other ones, but they’re really focusing on that one big one, which is why I think Bing is probably slightly better with their (single) Knowledge Graph, because they’re not disbursing their focus.

Now, what I have noticed is that the main Knowledge Graph, (let’s call it the Knowledge Vault), which is the one the API plugs into. That’s the Big Daddy of them all. It’s where Google is going. It’s trying to fill this up with information, but it has multiple other data sources, more or less curated that also contain knowledge and also have Knowledge Graph ID (KGMIDs).And that would be Google Scholars, Google Books, Google Podcasts, Google Maps, and the Web Index actually has a Knowledge Graph built into it. And each one of these is in a silo. It’s several vertical Knowledge Graphs that don’t communicate between each other. And that means (this is my perspective, and this is a guess, but I’m pretty confident it’s a correct guess), Google is taking all these Knowledge Graphs, including Google My Business and moving them little by little into the main Knowledge Graph so that it has one global source of information that it can refer to for: entities, relationships, attributes. That is where Google is going. And that is where Kalicube is driving our clients. We are saying, “if you’re in the Books vertical, we’re going to gradually move you and your books from that Books vertical into the main Knowledge Graph”… Because THAT is where the power lies. That is where you’re going to get your return on investment.

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