How the Kalicube Process Keeps You in Control of Your Brand? (My Weekly Marketing)
How the Kalicube Process Keeps You in Control of Your Brand? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets
In this video, entrepreneur and CEO of Kalicube, Jason Barnard showcases the Kalicube process’ ability to ensure accurate brand narratives across AI platforms like ChatGPT, Bing Copilot, and Google Gemini. He explains how this universal strategy uses language models, knowledge graphs, and search algorithms to deliver efficient solutions, enhancing control and trust. Watch the video until the end.
What you’ll learn:
00:00 Janice Hostager and Jason Barnard
00:04 Why Should You Not Worry About AI?
00:24 How AI Tools Like ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, and Google Learn About Consistently Deliver Accurate Brand Narratives?
01:05 How Are AI Language Models Similar in Their Technology and Purpose?
“This Knowledge Nugget is taken from My Weekly Marketing with Janice Hostager.”
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Transcript from How the Kalicube Process Keeps You in Control of Your Brand? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets
Jason Barnard: AI is scary and it’s new and we’ve never seen this before. I am not worried and I’m not scared because what I’ve seen is that this process, the Kalicube process works for all of them and gives me control and makes me make sure I sleep well at night, let’s say. And when ChatGPT came out a couple of years ago.
First thing I did. Who is Jason Barnard? And it gave me the exact right answer straight off the bat. Didn’t do it for my colleagues. Copilot came out on Bing, same thing. Gemini comes out, same thing Google Learn About just came out this weekend. First thing I did, I went in and said, who is Jason Barnard? And what is Kalicube? And it spits out exactly the brand narrative that I intend. This process is universal and timeless
because all of these machines are using the same technologies, large language models, knowledge graphs,
and search results. They’re serving the same audience, people with the same aim, trying to get us to the solution to our problem as efficiently as possible.
Using the same fundamental technologies. Huge, huge computers, storage space, and computing power, and algorithms, which are, you come in different flavors, but fundamentally same technology, data set, which is the web. Same user base. People with the same aim, trying to get them to the solutions to their problems efficiently as possible. So, universal strategy, hub spoke wheel, the machines digest it, spit out exactly what you want. Job done.