Why Is Personal Branding Important? (Leading with Integrity)

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Why Is Personal Branding Important? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

In this video, entrepreneur and CEO of Kalicube, Jason Barnard shares the significance of personal branding, particularly in the context of entrepreneurship. Learn why building and maintaining a strong personal brand is crucial for success, both professionally and personally. Watch the video until the end.

What you’ll learn:

00:00 Jason Barnard and David Hatch
00:23 Why Is Personal Branding Important in Entrepreneurship?
00:55 How Does Personal Branding Impact Your Legacy?

“This Knowledge Nugget is taken from Leading with Integrity with David Hatch.”

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Transcript from Why Is Personal Branding Important? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

David Hatch: I think this is all leading us very nicely into another question, which is about the topic of personal branding. Obviously that’s something you’re very passionate about. I think you’ve just given us
some great tips there, actually, in the context of job hunting, about how you can apply it and make it stand above some of the others, perhaps. So, I mean, why is it so important to you specifically? What else do you think everyone can be doing to take control of theirs?

Jason Barnard: Well, in an entrepreneurial world, it has to be important because my personal brand is associated with my business. So my personal brand will drive business because people do business with people. Then whatever project I do next will be much easier to get off the ground. If my personal brand is strong, it’ll be easier to find partners, it’ll be easier to find clients, it’ll be easier to find investment. And then when I retire or when I die, my legacy will be defined by what my personal brand is understood to be by AI.
So today, tomorrow, and after my death, my personal brand, as perceived by Google and AI is fundamentally important. Now, for the rest of the world, it might not be so important. And I didn’t used to really accept.

For me, it was important for everybody because I think it’s important to control how these machines understand you. I think it’s an existential question, but some people don’t care, and that’s fine. Some people do care, but they don’t want to pay me to do it. And that’s fine. I can teach you to do it. You can download the free guide. Knock yourselves out. Go and do it yourselves.

This Knowledge Nugget is taken from Leading with Integrity with David Hatch.

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