How Well do Communication Silos Work in Companies (Including Google)?
Kalicube Tuesdays with Stephan Bajaio and Jason Barnard 01 March 2022 at 17 H CET (Paris)
In this short video clip, Jason Barnard and Stephan Bajaio discuss how communication silos operate within organisations. Stephan starts with companies and how SEOs communicate with the other teams, and Jason expands with some insights into the (lack of) communication between the teams that handle different Google products. Turns out, communication is a key strategy most organisations miss. Watch to the end.
00:00 SEO, social and display person have own KPIs
00:32 Communicating horizontally
00:51 Silos within Google don’t communicate
Transcript from: How Well do Communication Silos Work in Companies (Including Google)?
Stephan: …she’ll then know about it. And this is where I traditionally get into, especially there’s two kinds of issues with the strategy and why it doesn’t happen organically within organizations. In large companies, it’s -SILOS- just a bunch of silos, right?
You’ve got your SEO person here, who’s trying to convince everyone else to listen to them. And then you’ve got, your social person and your display person. They all might live in digital marketing in a large organization, but they all have their own KPIs, they all have their own mandates and they all work it.
Jason: One thing is they often don’t communicate horizontally. Yeah. And that with Kalicube I’m seeing that we’re fighting that in terms of the way people are working. But what struck me is when I was talking to, or listening rather to Gary Elliott three years ago.
He was talking about how, all of these different silos within Google don’t talk to each other. We have a tendency to think of Google, we’re just talking about Google Search here there’s one massive object thing where everything’s incredibly well intertwined interconnected, and communicating incredibly well.
But in fact, it’s lots of people, lots of teams dealing with different products like Google My Business, Videos, the different elements that people to ask the Knowledge Panel and they don’t necessarily talk to each other. In fact, they probably don’t at all and that’s all put together in this kind of SERP so that was just my comment as it struck me as how naive we are to think that these teams are talking to each. And it’s actually just an amalgam of different blocks that…