Analysing and Improving Your Brand SERP (SMX Munich 2020)
{Brand} SERPs are your Business Card. Most people will search for your brand at some point before or during their working relationship with you. Google has no reason to present you inaccurately or unfairly. And most business owners assume Google shows complete, accurate, positive information to prospects who search their brand name. They are wrong.
In this session Jason will explain how you can ensure that Google projects the brand image you wish to project to its users (the people you want to do business with!). You will learn which terms should be part of your brand identity (apart from the obvious ones like brand and product name), how to set up tracking and how to evaluate what message the SERPs are projecting about your brand. This will not only help you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your digital strategy better but it will also help you with your reputation management.
Conference by SMX Munich March 18 and 19, 2020. Moderator: Alexander Holl. Speaker: Jason Barnard, founder and CEO at Kalicube.