Clarify Your Vision and Watch Your Business Grow (Tyler Pigott and Jason Barnard)


How Can You Leverage Branded Search to Amplify Your Business? Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

In this short video clip with Jason Barnard, Tyler Pigott explains how Clarifying the Vision for your Business helps with Branded Search. Tyler provides in-depth knowledge on how to maximise your company’s online presence through a targeted and strategic approach to branded search. He defines branded search as potential customers searching for your services in conjunction with your brand. Watch the video right to the end.

  • 00:00 Jason asks questions
  • 00:24 Service that you offer associated with your organization
  • 01:03 More strategy around your Branded Search and targeted approach

Transcript from How Can You Leverage Branded Search to Amplify Your Business? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

Jason Barnard: …the route might change a little bit along the way and remain flexible with that. Now, last question. How does clarifying the vision for your business help with Branded Search?

Tyler Pigott: That’s a great question. I would say Branded Search. So my definition of Branded Search is gonna be someone that’s looking for your organization, looking for a service that you offer associated with your organization.

Jason Barnard: Yeah.

Tyler Pigott: So it would fit in that branded piece. And so if that’s the case, you have to define your brand. And if you’re trying to define your brand, you’re probably needing to look through some sort of a filter, if you will, mental or mindset type of a filter to be able to define your brand, which is usually dictated based on the vision you have for your organization and where you’re trying to go.

So if you’re trying to be, the best Website Designer or the best Salesforce Consultant or HubSpot Consultant or something, you’ve got a very like targeted or specific focus that you’re trying to go after. And so then your Branded Search falls underneath there, and it makes it easier to have a little more strategy around your Branded Search and targeted approach. And I’m gonna call it like activity towards that. So your energy is then put in the same direction which is gonna help those Branded Search terms.

Jason Barnard: That was a brilliant summary…

“This Knowledge Nugget is taken from the Branded Search (and Beyond) Podcast with Jason Barnard.”

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