How to Build a Smart Marketing Strategy Where You Are in Full Control with Joe Pulizzi
Discover the 7 Step Process to Build a Digital Marketing Audience 19 October 2021 at 17 H CEST (Paris)
Joe Pulizzi is one of the world’s top content marketing authorities. In this video interview with Jason Barnard, he explains why having control over marketing platforms is an important key to a successful business.
00:00 Introducing, Joe Pulizzi
00:27 Don’t put so much emphasis on marketing platforms you can not control
00:54 YouTube as an example
I think you’re the guest who’s done the most “pffttt…” I’m not sure if my questions are rubbish or you’re tired with your clients. This is just me. If we were having drinks right now, it’d be fine. We’d be telling jokes and whatnot. Hence the beer behind your head. Good point.
I get frustrated because we’re putting so much emphasis on platforms that we don’t control and they’re centralized by four or five companies in the world, and we’ve given them all the power. If you are a smart media operator, you can’t live in that world. You have to take some of that control away because if you look at your business and if your audience is all on other people’s platforms, you have no business because Google tomorrow can say, “Hey, I don’t like what you’re saying on YouTube”.. You’re off! (which by the way happens every day) Oh! You violated this term of service. Twitter’s going to kick you off the platform. LinkedIn doesn’t like what you’re saying, or they’re going to bury you and nobody’s going to find your organic tweets or your organic posts.
Think about it this way. Tomorrow, let’s say, all that goes away. How do you prepare today so that tomorrow, if it goes away, you’re going to be protected. So that’s why I want that “rent to own” strategy.