Why is Your Personal Brand Crucial for Your Company’s Growth? (Smart Agency Masterclass Podcast)

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Why is Your Personal Brand Crucial for Your Company’s Growth? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

In this video, entrepreneur and CEO of Kalicube, Jason Barnard emphasizes that as an entrepreneur, you should prioritize your personal brand over your company’s brand. He highlights the importance of being the face of your business, as this builds trust and reassurance with your target audience. People feel more confident knowing who they are doing business with. Be sure to watch the video to the end for more insights.

What you’ll learn:

00:00 Jason Swenk and Jason Barnard
00:03 What are the Potential Pitfalls of Prioritizing the Brand of an Agency over Your Own Personal Brand?
00:32 Why Should Business Leaders be the Face of their Company instead of Maintaining a Faceless Entity?
00:47 How Can a Company Benefit from Having a Recognizable Face without Hindering Its Sale or the Founder’s Ability to Step Away?

“This Knowledge Nugget is taken from the Smart Agency Masterclass Podcast” https://www.agencymastery360.com/podcast/enhancing-client-connections

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Transcript from Why is Your Personal Brand Crucial for Your Company’s Growth? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

Jason Swenk: If people are not building their own personal brand within their agency, what’s happening? Like talk more about like some things that you’ve seen. Because look, here’s the thing I hear from a lot of agencies to go, well, I rather build the brand. And this is how I was at the first agency. I want to build the brand of the agency, not me. Because if I build the brand for me, then if I go away or I can’t sell it or everyone wants to work with me and I want to build a faceless company.

Jason Barnard: Well, a faceless company is always going to be problematic because people do business with people, they don’t do business with a faceless entity. So you need to be the face of your company, especially in the beginning and even further down the line when the agency has grown. Having a face doesn’t mean to say that you are the agency. It doesn’t mean to say you can’t step away. It just means to say that people relate to you as a human being and that once you, for example, we take a company who, like Yoast, for example,

Joost de Valk in the SEO world is very well known. The plugin Yoast for WordPress, it’s installed on 30% of all WordPress sites. He was very much the face of the company. That did not stop him from selling the company to, I can’t remember which company he sold it to and step away. That’s not a problem when you’re selling into a huge corporation, for example. So I would suggest being the face of your company,

a, doesn’t mean you can’t step away, and b, it doesn’t mean you can’t sell. But it serves you hugely well in the short and medium term to build your business because people do business with people.

This Knowledge Nugget is taken from the Smart Agency Masterclass Podcast hosted by Jason Swenk.

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