How Does Focusing on a Niche Impact Your Brand and Business Growth? (Virtual Antics Podcast)

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How Does Focusing on a Niche Impact Your Brand and Business Growth? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

In this video, entrepreneur and CEO of Kalicube, Jason Barnard emphasizes the significance of concentrating on a specific niche to achieve business success. He shares his personal experience of initially trying to appeal to everyone, which he found ineffective. By narrowing your focus to a specific target audience, you can strategically focus your efforts on those you aim to assist, delivering greater value to them. For more insights, watch the video right to the end.

What you’ll learn:

00:00 Natalie Guzman and Jason Barnard
00:01 How Does Attempting to Appeal to Everyone Hinder Business Growth?
01:07 How Does the Kalicube Process Safeguard Your Brand in an AI-driven World?

“This Knowledge Nugget is taken from the Virtual Antics Podcast with Natalie Guzman.”

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Transcript from How Does Focusing on a Niche Impact Your Brand and Business Growth? – Kalicube Knowledge Nuggets

Jason Barnard: It’s a huge problem. And when I fell into that trap as well, is managing a personal brand is something that everybody needs. Therefore, I immediately thought, well, I can appeal to everybody. And when you try to appeal to everybody, you actually appeal to nobody. And it took me as well, a long time to actually, it’s not figure it out because I intellectually understood, but I couldn’t do it because it’s so tempting to say, oh, I don’t want to miss that opportunity or that opportunity.

And now that we’ve done it, business is going much, much better. We’ve doubled revenue in the last year using our own Kalicube Process for the company and for myself because we’re being much more intentional about who we’re targeting and who we can help. And that’s the other point is now we’ve identified who we can truly help.

It’s CEOs and founders of corporations with revenues of $5 million or more who care about their personal brand, controlling it and using it to drive business for their company. That’s our core area. And now that we’ve defined that, it’s very easy for me to reach out to them and say, we can help you and we can bring value. And working with Kalicube is an investment for you it will grow your personal brand, give you control, get you in front of the right people.

And I don’t want to forget about all the other people who are artists, CEOs and founders of companies with less than 5 million revenue. Musicians, entertainers, bloggers, you can go to K-A-L-I-C-U-B-E .com and we give away all the information for free.

So we actually have a whole DIY system at Kalicube where we just give it, go and do it. It’s brilliant. It’s really simple. Understandability, Credibility, Deliverability. We’re not hiding anything because we were saying this before. Self-determination in a world of singularity, where machines are more intelligent than human beings, is something we’re all going to have to worry about and this is the solution.

This Knowledge Nugget is taken from Virtual Antics Podcast hosted by Natalie Guzman.

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