Brand SERPs

Definitions of common terms used for Brand SERPs

Brand SERP Layout

Brand SERP Layout

What Does a Typical Brand SERP Look Like? Generally speaking, on a well-balanced, optimised Brand SERP you can expect seven Blue Links, three Rich Elements, and a Knowledge Panel on…

What is Entity Identity in SEO?

What is Entity Identity in SEO?

In the context of named entities in SEO (brands, companies, people, podcasts etc etc), Entity Identity is Google’s understanding of who you are what you offer and who your audience…

Who is Your Brand SERP Important to?

Who is Your Brand SERP Important to?

Your Brand SERP is vital to you and your business, of course. It is your “Google Business Card“: what your audience sees when they search your company online. But it…

Getting a PAA Result on Brand SERP

Getting a PAA Result on Brand SERP

How Do I Dominate People Also Ask on my Brand SERP? People Also Ask appears on well over half of all Brand SERPs. They are often questions specifically about the…

The #10 Rules of Image SEO for Image Carousels

The #10 Rules of Image SEO for Image Carousels

This 10-step process will ensure that you have optimise your images properly and that they will be attractive to Google for including in image carousels on your Brand SERP… and…

Definition of Leapfrogging in SEO

Definition of Leapfrogging in SEO

What is Leapfrogging in SEO, ORM and Brand SERP Optimisation? In the context of a Brand SERP, leapfrogging is a strategy used to push one piece of content above another…