What Role Does Schema Markup Play in Your Online Reputation?
Advanced Expert Tips on Image SEO with Olesia Korobka 27 April 2021 at 17 H CEST (Paris)
In this clip with Olesia Korobka, Jason Barnard explains the foundational role Schema markup plays in all SEO. More than just the wonderful “bells and whistles” Rich Results in the SERP, Schema is Google’s native language and it is vital to building Google’s confidence in its understanding of any fact or the content of a page. By adding Schema Markup, you are repeating what you have already said on the page, which increases Google’s confidence in its understanding. How important is trust for Knowledge Panels and Knowledge Graphs? It’s very, very important. Using sameAs, Schema Markup, allows us to point Google towards corroborative sources for every piece of information we provide which ultimately increases confidence.
00:00 Schema Markup boost Google’s confidence for SEO
01:18 Using sameAs to corroborative sources
02:00 Building Google’s confidence is key to effective SEO
Transcript from: What Role does Schema Markup Play in Your Online Reputation?
Now, why is that important? Because Google’s probably understood what’s in your page. Google’s pretty smart. Let’s say it’s 40% confident. You add Schema Markup. You’re adding a reiteration of what you’ve already said in the page that Google’s already understood and that reiteration in its native language that it can digest natively will boost its confidence, let’s say to 70%. And confidence is incredibly important for Knowledge Panels, for the Knowledge Graph, for Brand SERPs and for any SEO. If Google is confident in anything, it will rank. And so in this context, what we are using schema for is to boost Google’s confidence in its understanding, and potentially give it details that we didn’t necessarily say in the page.
The other incredible, powerful thing about schema markup, and as you can see, I’m getting into the big chunky cake, the cherry, which was the nice elements on the SERPs, (the Rich Elements on the SERPS) is not the main aim, because what we can do with schema markup is every time we say something (and we were talking earlier on about stating facts like revenue reviews, who I am, who the CEO is, whatever it might be), you can point using sameAs to all the corroborative sources that prove what you’re saying. And once again, CONFIDENCE. Now what we have is: without schema, we were 40% confident. With schema, we become 70% confident because Google has seen a reiteration in a language it understands natively. Then we point out to the corroboration. It says, “All of these third parties say the same thing!” We’ve now got to 90-95% confidence. Google is incredibly confident in what that page contains and what you’re trying to communicate with the content in that page. That goes for your About page, your Reviews page, the CEO page, the Board page, but any page which you’re doing SEO on: building Google’s confidence is absolutely key throughout SEO and not just on Brand SERPs and Knowledge Panels.
Structured markup is now a MUST HAVE for local businesses and corporations!
If you want to generate a Schema markup for your company, you may visit Kalicube Pro‘s free Schema Markup Tool for Company, Local Businesses or Organisations or Schema Markup Generator for People if you want to generate structured data for any person or individual.