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What are some common website issues that affect the website’s performance?

Some common website issues that affect website performance are listed below:

* Poor User Experience (UX): Websites that are difficult to navigate, slow to load, or not mobile-friendly cause users to leave the site. Poor user experience negatively impacts search rankings and conversions.

* Lack of Content Quality: Content that lacks depth relevance or fails to meet the user’s intent results in poor engagement and lower rankings.

* Technical SEO Issues: Broken links, duplicate content, improper use of tags (like canonical or index), and crawl errors hinder a site’s ability to be indexed and ranked by search engines.

* Weak Security: A lack of secure connections (HTTPS) and vulnerabilities to hacking damage trustworthiness and authority.

* Inadequate Transparency: Failing to provide transparent information about the website owner, contact details, or authorship affects trust from users and search engines.

The Kalicube Process allows website owners to demonstrate EEAT credibility.

* The Kalicube Process ensures the entire digital ecosystem of the website owner is a consistent and detailed representation of the website owner. The website identifies the person as the website owner.

* The Kalicube Process provides comprehensive information about your products and services in an easily accessible manner for users and Google’s crawlers.

* Answering every conceivable question related to what the website owner offers through a targeted strategy on the website, the website addresses user needs directly, which aligns with Google’s emphasis on expertise and authoritativeness. The transparent link between the website owner and the website demonstrates credibility and trustworthiness.

* Demonstrating credibility is vital. Credibility means showcasing expertise through business activities – being a member in places Google expects a person in that niche to be, talking about topics relating to the website, and producing content that demonstrates expertise, experience, authority, and trustworthiness in the field. 

The Kalicube Process adds Transparency and Notability signals to credibility or EEAT. Kalicube refers to the EEAT expansion as NEEATT —Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (EEAT) plus Notability and Transparency. The expanded approach covers all aspects of establishing trust with users and Google.

In summary:

*Addressing common issues like UX design flaws or technical SEO problems helps improve overall site performance, which is part of Expertise and Experience in EEAT/NEEATT.

* Ensuring high-quality content reflects Authoritativeness while also addressing Expertise and Experience aspects within EEAT/NEEATT guidelines provided by Kalicube.

* Identifying the entity behind the brand is crucial after Google changed the Search Quality Rater guidelines in 2023 to include EEAT (NEEATT) which specifically relates to ‘website owner’ rather than just the ‘website.’

Helpful articles:

60 Simple Tips for Optimizing for Google’s E-E-A-T (Content, Author and Website Owner) >>
N-E-E-A-T-T: Things You Need To Know >>

PDF Guide: Get the Content Creator’s Guide to AI search engines: Get visible and get recommended >>

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